Evidence from across the world shows that economic support, such as microfinancing and cash transfers, are effective at reducing violence against children. This is one of the evidence-based strategies in INSPIRE: 7 Strategies to Prevent Violence…
Webinars and multimedia
Research suggests that projects to create and sustain safe environments can reduce and prevent violence against children. These include interventions in the built environment where children gather and play, and targeted actions in violence hotspots…
Evidence from across the world demonstrates that parenting programmes reduce violence against children by helping parents and caregivers provide attentive and non-violent care. But what makes these interventions work?With a focus on lower-middle-…
Strengthening norms and values that support positive, gender-equitable relationships and non-violent problem solving is one of the strategies in INSPIRE: 7 Strategies to Prevent Violence Against Children. Shifting deeply entrenched beliefs about the…
Anna Giudice explains how Developing and strengthening legal protections and policies for children is a prudent step in preventing violence against children.
Dean Peacock describes why shifting harmful gender and violence-supporting norms and values are essential in preventing violence against children.
Dipak Naker explains how schools offer an important space where children teachers and education personnel can learn and adopt pro-social, non-violent behaviours.
Professor Catherine Ward explains how parenting programmes prevent violence against children by fostering non-violence discipline and harsh parenting practices.
Dr Greta Massettii explains why data is essential to understanding and preventing violence against children.
Dr Joseph Petraglia introduces key considerations and prerequisites for the adaption of INSPIRE to local contexts.
Professor Lucie Cluver explains how combining parenting programmes with income and economic strengthening is effective in reducing violence against children.
Dr Regina Benevides de Barros highlights key considerations to the uptake, adaption and scale-up of INSPIRE.
Professor Jonathan Shepard introduces the Cardiff Model as an evidence-based strategy to create safe environments for children.
Patrick Onyango Mangen explains the role of response and support services in addressing violence against children.
Sabine Rakotomalala provides an overview of the INSPIRE technical package.
Dr Richard Matzopoulos explains how laws on firearm control can prevent and reduce violence against children.
Parenting programmes can reduce violence against children by helping parents and caregivers provide attentive and non-violent care. Fathers and male caregivers can play a positive role in children’s lives, but in many African countries, few men…
Video introduction to INSPIRE. The INSPIRE technical package consists of seven complementary and mutually reinforcing strategies, and two cross-cutting activities to help connect interventions across sectors and assess progress. INSPIRE is…
Seven INSPIRE strategies for ending violence against children is a compilation of effective, evidence-based interventions to support countries in ending violence against children. Measures recommended have proven to be effective in different…
This short webinar delivered by Dr Alex Butchart, WHO, and Ms Sabine Rakotomalala, Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, is an introduction to the evidence-based strategies and interventions gathered in INSPIRE, a technical package to…