The INSPIRE Implementation Working Group and the Community of Practice contributes to INSPIRE-related actions to prevent and respond to violence against children by all member organizations, including bilateral agencies and international networks, and is a key mechanism through which the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children is working to accelerate country action. The INSPIRE Working Group is co-chaired by the World Health Organization and the Institute for Security Studies who also serve on the IWG Secretariat along with the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); UNODC, Joining Forces, CPC Learning Network and the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children (End Violence).
The WG’s role is to provide leadership and strategic guidance in the implementation of INSPIRE-related interventions; harmonize the work of members to achieve collective impact; identify emerging implementation support opportunities and capacity needs, and generate, collect and share new evidence on what works to address violence against children. Members of its community of practice include representatives from UN agencies, bilateral agencies, international professional associations, National NGOs/CSOs, grassroots groups, government bodies and philanthropic foundations and academia.