Capacity building is integral to the INSPIRE Working Group’s (IWG) efforts to disseminate and implement the evidence-based technical package and support countries in their efforts to prevent and respond to violence against children aged 0-17 years. This Facilitators Guide is based on the INSPIRE package which includes a) the core document describing the INSPIRE strategies and interventions, b) the implementation handbook providing guidance on how to implement the interventions, and c) the indicator guidance to measure the uptake of INSPIRE and its impact on levels of violence against children.
This Guide has been produced as a resource to sensitize and train on INSPIRE: Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children. It provides trainers with guidance to familiarize themselves with INSPIRE at the same time as developing their skills as a trainer. Like INSPIRE, it is not meant to position INSPIRE as a brand new program but rather, it represents a way of revitalizing, focusing, and expanding current multisectoral efforts to prevent and respond to violence against children.
Trainings may not the only way to learn new skills or develop and change attitudes. It is worth considering possible learning methodologies before opting for a training workshop, including on-thejob training (one-on-one training, small group training, coaching or mentoring), in-house experience (visits and placements in other parts of the organization, research and planning projects or problemsolving groups), or in-house courses (single or multi-day workshops that build up needed skills).
For the purpose of this Guide we will refer to the term “training” to include anything from a 2-hour sensitization to 5-day training. The Guide offers suggested agendas for a one-day and three-day training session but all information in the Guide is modular so that the trainer/facilitator can design the best possible agenda based on the needs and resources in country.